Tuesday, December 16, 2008

'Tis the Season

This year I have found myself really feeling the holiday spirit. Most years I am annoyed by all the holiday cheer that comes WAY to early! Usually I am not ready for Christmas or in the Christmas spirit until about a week before Christmas. But this year! I was ready to put up the tree the day after Thanksgiving. I found myself wandering down all the holiday decoration isles in the stores wanting to fill my cart up with new ornaments and decorations. Thankfully I was well in control and not buying in impulse (something I tend to do). Our home is decorated, our tree is sparkling and I find myself humming Christmas tunes.

I can't put my finger on why I am so excited and in the spirit this year. Maybe its because of my boys. This year is Damon's 1st Christmas and Alec's 2nd. They are not at the age where they understand Christmas or Santa...I can't imagine how excited I will be when they do understand! It is always fun though to remember and celebrate a baby's first Christmas. There is also the excitement of seeing family from far away. My family that lives in Kansas and Missouri will be here for Christmas this year and I cannot wait to see them. I don't get to see them often enough through the year.

We have almost all our presents bought and wrapped. Usually I just want to get the wrapping done and over with. But this year I enjoyed it! I took my time with the wrapping and decorated each package with colorful ribbons, they look so pretty!

I am finding myself feeling lucky about where I live in the US. Most areas are so affected by the economy, but where I live it isn't even as close to as bad as most of the US. Sure it has affected us here, but only slightly. And some more than others I am sure. (I don't want to say we arn't affected at all because we are.)

Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope the time with your friends and family is wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Have safe driving Chalsey! Maybe see you on the road...we are headed out west too :)

Jenna said...

I hope you all had a great Christmas! It was so fun this year seeing Kelsie opening presents!