Friday, December 12, 2008


One word....holy flipping hell this hurts!! Okay, so that was more than one word. But you got the point that something hurts right? (Beware! Breast and nipple talk ahead!)

This last week the nipple on my right breast had started getting a bit sore and tender and then proceeded to be down right painful! I went 48 and just pumped breast milk and did not let Damon nurse on that side at all. But today I was still in excruciating pain. It feels like someone is slowly peeling the skin of my nipple and pouring alcohol down it too. It has a horrible burning sensation 24/7. This is the most pain I have ever been in in my entire life. I would rather be in labor without an epidural!

Today I decided to go and see the doctor. I was thinking that I had thrush, but it turns out I have Mastitis. I always thought that mastitis was just an infection of the milk ducts, but my ducts are totally fine! I just have the infection on my nipple. So now I am on a really powerful dose of antibiotics 4 times a day. Yay. I have my self a big tub of yogurt so I help prevent getting thrush. I would probably cry if I end up getting thrush after all this.

I would never wish the pain that I am in on anyone, it is just horrible.

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